We Wish You a Merry Christmas!
The K9 Crew keeping warm in their Elmer Fudd hats
Left to right, back row: Deanna, Jax, Laurie and Halley. Front row: Shelby, Smokey and Andrea.
To you and your dogs, we thank you for a great year at K9 Country Club and we wish you a very Happy New Year!
Holiday Closures
Monday daycare dogs please take note: K9 will be closed for Doggie Daycare on Monday, December 26th and Monday, January 2nd. We hope you enjoy the holidays at home with your dogs!
Cold weather care
While the weather outside is frightful, it's important to take extra precautions to ensure your dog is healthy and happy despite the cold temperatures.
Fresh water - If your dog spends any time outdoors, make sure your dog's outdoor water dish isn't frozen solid. Pet stores and outdoor supply stores sell heated water bowls and other devices that will prevent the water from freezing.
Ice melt - If you use ice melt around your home, make sure it's safe for your pets. Most brands will say so on the label.
Paw care - After a neighborhood walk or a romp in the park, wash and dry your dog's paws to remove any de-icing chemicals or road salt your dog was exposed to. Also check between the paw pads for any clumps of ice or salt. If your dog has sensitive feet, consider purchasing some booties for your dog to wear when walking outside in the winter.
An extra coat - Even with a thick winter coat, your dog's fur may not be enough to keep him or her warm in very cold weather. Short-haired dogs may require a sweater when the temperature drops.
Stay safe inside - In sub-freezing weather, your car can act like a refrigerator, so never leave your dog in an unheated car. Please remember... if it's too cold for you outside, it's too cold for your dog (or your cat). The safest place for your pets is inside with you.

Don't let this happen to your dog this winter!
Goodbye Halley
We are sad to say goodbye to Halley but we wish her well at Washington State University as she studies to become a veterinarian. Goodbye and good luck, Halley!
And in case you didn't know...
Christmas is Going to the Dogs
Click on Max below for a musical treat from us to you
