September 5, 2016
New payment process for Daycare Deluxe
You may have noticed that Nancy isn't in the office as much as usual. She has recently taken on new duties at home with her grandchildren. While we adjust to her absence, we are asking for your help in simplifying our payment process.
If you haven't already done so, please provide a credit or debit card number we can use to process your monthly payment. Beginning in October, all payments will be automatically processed on the 1st or 15th of the month -- just let us know which day you would prefer. We will put a receipt in your box letting you know the month's total charge for daycare and any additional services requested.
With this automatic payment process, you won't have to remember your checkbook or wonder whether you've paid each month. As an added bonus, with your credit or debit card on file, you will no longer have to provide a deposit when scheduling boarding. Our cancelation rules still apply, so if you cancel boarding less than one week in advance, the non-refundable $75 deposit will be charged to your card if we are not able to fill your dog's spot on such short notice.
Daycare payment reminders:
--> We cannot issue credits or refunds for missed days. Please keep this in mind when you schedule grooming, dental, or other routine appointments so that they don't conflict with your dog's regular daycare day.
--> If you are traveling and want to skip a month (or more) of daycare, please talk with us so we can determine if we will be able to hold your dog's spot while you are away.
We have a long list of dogs waiting to enter our daycare program and, like most businesses, we have a long list of bills to pay. We rely on your regular payment and appreciate your understanding of our payment policies. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Now hiring
K9 Country Club has an opening for a kennel helper/dog handler. This position will start out part-time and could become full-time for the right person. The ideal candidate will have these qualities:
Detail oriented
Great work ethic
Able to take direction
Willing to learn dog behavior
Friendly personality
Responsibilities of this position range from cleaning all areas of the facility to handling and supervising dogs (and everything in between). Candidates must be available for shifts including weekends and holidays. In return, the right person will have a fun, rewarding, family-type position with lots of wags and licks!
Previous experience with dogs is preferred but not required. We will train the right person.
If you know someone who would like to join the K9 Crew, please tell him or her to apply in person at K9 Country Club Monday through Friday from 9:00-11:30 a.m. or 2:30-5:00 p.m. Applicants should bring a resume with references and must be willing to complete a background and drug check.
It's time for a Pirate Party!
 Ahoy! To celebrate the end of summer with all of our four-legged scallywags, we're having a Pirate Party! Whether they're landlubbers or sea dogs, K9's pirate pups will enjoy special games (including "Dunking for Doubloons"), prizes, a treasure hunt, photos, and tasty treats.
Our Pirate Party will set sail September 12-16. There's no need to sign up... all of our regular daycare dogs will share the booty!
 Wags for the Wednesday group
A big THANK YOU to all our Wednesday clients for your help with keeping the dogs calm in the afternoons. The new pick-up process has made a big difference in reducing excitement barking. We'll continue to work on ways to make pick-up time easier for everyone.