June 5, 2013
 Ready to slide into summer?
The Three Amigos are!
Everyone at K9 Country Club is getting ready for some fun in the sun. Join us!
From left to right are Echo, Mason and Hunter on the slide in the K9 play yard
Kennel cough reported in the Yakima Valley
We are watching closely for any signs of kennel cough in the dogs at K9 Country Club. It is definitely going around the Valley. We know of one case in a dog who frequents Franklin Park and two others in Terrace Heights.
If you took your dog to the AKC dog show this past weekend, please call us before bringing your dog here for boarding or daycare. As with any multi-dog venue, there is a higher chance of disease being present. Please let us know if your dog was at this event so we can watch for any symptoms.
Kennel cough is extremely contagious and is easily spread by dogs interacting in groups. The average incubation period for kennel cough is 3-10 days. The cough can start as a mild "huffing" sound that might not cause you any concern, but then it can develop into a deep, persistent cough. Most dogs recover in about three weeks, but it's important to contact your veterinarian to determine whether antibiotics are needed and to keep your dog home while he or she is contagious.
If your dog has a cough or develops one, PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG TO DAYCARE OR BOARDING. And please let us know so we can track it!
Thank you!
Keep your dog's vaccinations up to date
 We appreciate everyone who keeps their dog's vaccinations, yearly fecal exam, monthly flea treatments and health records up to date. This really helps us! If you're not sure when your dog is due for the next update, check the white board in the office or daycare building. If your dog is due for a Bordetella booster or Frontline application, you'll see a note there.
Keep your contact info up to date, too
The next time you call us or drop off your dog, please take a minute to check in with Nancy and ensure we have your current contact information on file. Cell phone numbers and email addresses change frequently, and we want to be sure we can contact you if needed. Thanks!
 All's cool in the pool!
The pools are open for the season, and our water-loving dogs are already making a big splash. We try to make sure your dog is dry when you arrive at the end of the day, but it's possible he or she will still be a bit damp. It just means your dog had a lot of fun!
Although we check ears on the dogs that frequent the pools, we appreciate you keeping a close eye on your dog's ears during pool season to make sure they are dry. Ear infections are often caused by water in the ear canal. If you notice redness, inflammation, a lot of waxy discharge or a foul odor in or around your dog's ears, seek treatment from your veterinarian right away.
Summer weekends starting to fill up
If your summer travel plans don't include your dog, be sure to call ahead for boarding reservations. Our summer weekends are beginning to fill up. We still have a few spaces available for the 4th of July.
Keep your dog safe on the 4th of July
 Most people enjoy celebrating the 4th of July with fireworks, but most dogs are frightened by the loud noises. In fact, the 4th of July is the day most dogs escape from their yards and are lost!
To be safe, it's best to keep your dog indoors on the 4th of July. And if your dog will be boarding with us, please let us know if your dog is afraid of fireworks. We will take extra precautions to keep your dog calm and safe.
Work continues on Wagmore Dog Park
This year our goals include fencing the perimeter of the park and purchasing the materials for the irrigation system. We have a bid of $15,000 for the fencing and $6,000 for the irrigation supplies. This spring, power was connected to the property and will be ready to connect to the irrigation pump, lighting, gates and security cameras when they are installed next year.
T-shirt orders
If you'd like to order a new K9 or Wagmore Dog Park T-shirt, we'll have our new designs and sign-up sheets in the office and daycare building soon. All proceeds from our T-shirt sales will go to benefit Wagmore Dog Park.
Save the date! K9 BBQ July 21
 Our annual K9 Customer Appreciation Barbecue is scheduled for Sunday, July 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. at K9 Country Club. This year we will also have a no-bark (silent) auction to benefit Wagmore Dog Park. Join us and enjoy some good food and fun... and perhaps a winning bid on a great item!
If you would like to donate an item to the silent auction, or know of someone who may be interested in donating auction items, please contact Jonelle Foutz at 509-388-3537 or email jonelle (dot) foutz (at) gmail (dot) com.
Save your stuff! Yard sale in late August
If you are cleaning out your closets this summer, save some of the good stuff for us! We will hold another yard sale in late August. All proceeds will benefit Wagmore Dog Park.
Watch for more details in July. We will begin accepting donations in early August.
Plan ahead for September closure
With her good friend, Jan Manning, Laurie will enjoy an Alaskan cruise September 14 - 22. Boarding will be available only for regular and frequent K9 customers while Laurie is gone. No new dogs will be accepted during that time. Also, depending on staffing, it is possible daycare will be closed during that time as well. We will let you know as we get closer to the date. Please call if you have any questions or concerns.
A note from Laurie...
Check out Jan Manning's new book... Bucket List Weight Loss
 Some of you remember Jan Manning, owner of Manning Dog Training in Yakima for several years. She still trains for fun in Montana, where she and her husband retired, but she accomplished another career goal last year when she wrote and published her book, Bucket List Weight Loss.
The book tells how Jan lost 40 pounds and is keeping it off, but it also tells how YOU can easily do the same thing without dieting, drugs, or special programs. I highly recommend it, because it's full of common sense (which so many of us have forgotten about these days!) The book is published only as an e-book, which means you have to download it to a Kindle, Nook, iPad, or even your home computer and read it there. You can get Bucket List Weight Loss at Amazon.com for just $2.99. You'll enjoy the book because you will relate to just about everything she says. And as you lose weight, think how much more you'll enjoy walking your dog!