March 8, 2012
Plan ahead for our spring closure It's time for some time away. K9 Country Club will be closed Thursday, May 10 through Tuesday, May 15. No doggie daycare on May 10, 11, 14 and 15 (Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday). No boarding on May 12, 13, 14 and 15 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday).
Keep on top of kennel coughTis the season for kennel cough. We have had two coughers and one sneezer in the past three weeks. None of the three dogs was here during the same time frame so we don't think the cases are related. If your dog has a cough or develops one, PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG TO DAYCARE OR BOARDING. And please let us know so we can track it! A cough can start as a mild "huffing" sound. You may not think much about it, but then it can develop into a persistent deep cough. Most dogs will recover in about three weeks, but it's important to contact your veterinarian to determine whether antibiotics are needed and to keep your dog home while he's contagious. If you have any questions please call us so we can decide whether or not your dog should come to K9.
And the winner is...Congratulations to Acey and Lucy -- winners of our first Basic Obedience Contest. Because we had so many dogs do very well at waiting at the gate or door, we had to have a drawing for the winners in both Little Dog and Big Dog categories. Acey and Lucy each won a free day of doggie daycare. Woof! 
Acey (left) and Lucy A.
Basic Obedience Contest -- Part 2Our next contest will test dogs on coming when called.  Here's how you can practice at home:
- Say your dog's name
- Say the command "come" ("here" and "come here" are also fine)
Additional tips:
- Pat your legs and encourage your dog to come to you
- Use treats to encourage her to come or to reward her for coming
It's important to make coming to you when called a positive experience for your dog. Never yell at, scold or punish your dog when she comes to you. Doing so will make coming to you a negative experience (and she'll be less likely to come to you when called in the future). If your dog fails to come when called, calmly go to your dog and bring her back with you to the spot where you called her. Be sure to reinforce the idea that coming to you is a good thing -- either with treats, praise or belly rubs. The Come When Called contest will begin March 12 and will run for four weeks.
Thanks for your kindnessWe appreciate all the expressions of support and sympathy following the loss of Baxter last month to gastric torsion. If you haven't yet learned about this deadly condition, please take a few minutes to visit the following links. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+2090&aid=402
In loving memory of Baxter
Health reminders...Yearly fecal exams requiredIf you haven't yet had a fecal exam done for your dog, please do so at your next appointment with your veterinarian, and bring in a copy of the test results for our records. In addition to a yearly Distemper/Parvo vaccination and a Bordetella vaccination every six months, we require a yearly internal parasite exam. If your dog has not been screened for internal parasites and Giardia within the last year, please ask your veterinarian to check for both at your next visit. (Just take a fresh stool sample in with you.) If you don't have a copy of your dog's health records available, your veterinarian will provide you a copy to bring in to us, or you can request that the records be faxed to us at 454-9247 (454-WAGS). Thank you! Save on FrontlineMonthly flea and tick treatment is a requirement for all dogs at K9 Country Club. You can purchase and apply it at home, or we can do it for you for $17 per application. You can save money by purchasing a six-pack of Frontline through us for $85. When you buy a six-pack, the cost is about $14 per treatment. We will keep track of your dog's application schedule and will let you know when it's time to purchase more Frontline.
Spring cleaning at the dog parkWith the warmer weather, we're starting to work again on the property destined to be a private dog park in Terrace Heights. There's a lot to do! Please let Laurie know if you have (or know anyone who has) these skills or abilities:
• Fencing -- including post hole digging
• Surveying
• Grading (for the parking lot)
• Stump removal
• Clearing and hauling brush
Laurie would like to start getting bids as soon as possible. Thanks!